A 100% volunteer-run organization proudly supported by your generous donations.

Ways we have helped

Found injured
or orphaned wildlife?
Call or text message us immediately
We will return your call as soon as possible.
Please be prepared to send photo and video so we can fully assess the situation.
Please do not:
Give a wild animal food or water. This prevents us from accurately assessing the animals condition, and most of the time advice on what to do/feed from the internet is not accurate, which can be harmful and may result in the death of the animal.
Remove an animal from its situation unless they are clearly unsafe (such as in a roadway).
Try to raise the animal yourself. It is illegal to raise or keep wild animals without special permits. Raising wildlife is not the same as raising a domesticated animal and is often very difficult to do. Animals raised by humans often become habituated to them and cannot be released into the wild. Wild animals belong in the wild and do not make good pets.
Pickup with your bare hands or let pets interact with wildlife. As they may transmit diseases to you and your pets.
Please note that we are a wildlife rehab run entirely by unpaid volunteers.
We have limited space and typically do not answer phone calls
or text messages before 9am or after 10pm.
We are not a domesticated rabbit rescue, all of the animals we rehab
and release are wild.
Meet Our Current Patients
Follow along with their journeys and see the impact your support makes in their rehabilitation.